The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Angela C. Couch. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Amy Bryant Cowan at Carothers & Mitchell, LLC is located at 1809 Buford Highway Buford, GA 30518. Attorney Dale R. Samuels at The Samuels Firm is located at 278 W. Main St. Buford, GA 30518. Attorney Gregory S. Riley at Riley Law Firm, LLC is located at 2550 Hamilton Mill Road, Suite 200 Buford, GA 30519. Attorney Katherine M. Wheat at The McGarity Group, LLC is located at 1305 Mall of Georgia Boulevard, Suite 100 Buford, GA 30519-8145. Attorney J. Michael McGarity at The McGarity Group, LLC is located at 1305 Mall of Georgia Boulevard, Suite 100 Buford, GA 30519.
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