The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Anselm Nnaemeka Nwokorie. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney G. Adam Cossey at Hudson, Potts & Bernstein L.L.P. is located at 1800 Hudson Lane, Suite 300 Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Albert George Elias at The Elias Law Firm, PLLC is located at 1651 Louisville Ave., Ste. 124 Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Amanda M. Wilkins at Law Offices of Amanda M. Wilkins is located at 1401 Hudson Lane, Ste. 205 Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Arthur Lane Stewart at Law Office of Arthur L. Stewart, LLC is located at 1869 Avenue of America, Ste. B Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Bachman Blaine Adkins at Blaine Adkins is located at 1038 N. 9th St. Monroe, LA 71201-5513.
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