The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Barry G. Feingold. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Abby L. Steinberg at Abby L. Steinberg, PA is located at 10101 W. Sample Road, Suite 304 Coral Springs, FL 33065. Attorney Adolfo J. Anzola at Silver Law Group is located at 11780 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065. Attorney Andres Lopez at The Andres Lopez Law Firm is located at 7351 Wiles Road, Suite 101 Coral Springs, FL 33067. Attorney Antoine Anthony Dumas, Jr. at Talented Tenth Consulting & Legal Services, PLLC is located at 11555 Heron Bay Blvd. Ste. 220 Coral Springs, FL 33076. Attorney Barry Steven Mittelberg at Mittelberg & Nicosia, P.A. is located at 1700 N. Univ. Dr., Ste. 110 Coral Springs, FL 33071-8970.
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