The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Bernard Francis McGovern. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron J. Perretta at Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is located at 2001 Marcus Avenue, W295 Lake Success, NY 11042. Attorney Adam Covitt at Shaub, Ahmuty, Citrin & Spratt, LLP is located at 1983 Marcus Avenue Lake Success, NY 11042. Attorney Alan R. Soberman at Soberman & Rosenberg is located at 2001 Marcus Avenue Lake Success, NY 11042. Attorney Allen Perlstein at Friedman Harfenist Kraut & Perlstein LLP is located at 3000 Marcus Avenue, Suite 2E1 Lake Success, NY 11042. Attorney Andrew Alan Kimler at Vishnick McGovern Milizio LLP Attorneys at Law is located at 3000 Marcus Avenue, Suite 1E9 Lake Success, NY 11042.
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