The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Brett M. Powers. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Adrian D. Cox, Jr. at Stockwell, Sievert, Viccellio, Clements & Shaddock, L.L.P. is located at Chase Building, 4th Floor, 127 West Broad Street Lake Charles, LA 70602. Attorney Alex E. Mouhot at Stockwell, Sievert, Viccellio, Clements & Shaddock, L.L.P. is located at Chase Building, 4th Floor, 127 West Broad Street Lake Charles, LA 70602. Attorney Allen L. Smith, Jr. at Plauché Smith & Nieset, LLC is located at 1123 Pithon Street P.O. Drawer 1705 Lake Charles, LA 70602. Attorney Alvin D. Hunt at Alvin D. Hunt is located at 613 Alamo Street, Suite 281 Lake Charles, LA 70601. Attorney Alvin B King at Alvin B. King is located at Lake Charles, LA 70602-2093.
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