The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Carol Garofalo Stone. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alan Ronald Lewis at Alan R. Lewis, Esq. is located at 425 Robinson Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550. Attorney Andrew Finkelstein at Finkelstein & Partners, LLP is located at 1279 Route 300 newburgh, NY 12551. Attorney Ari Issaac Bauer at Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider PLLC is located at One Corwin Court P.O. Box 1479 Newburgh, NY 12550. Attorney Azra Jabeen Khan at Larkin Ingrassia, LLP is located at 356 Meadow Avenue, Ste. 1 Newburgh, NY 12550. Attorney Dana Marie Loiacono at Larkin Ingrassia, LLP is located at 356 Meadow Avenue, Ste. 1 Newburgh, NY 12550.
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