The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Carolina Saavedra. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Anne L Weintraub at ALW Consults is located at 1990 Main Street, Suite 750 Sarasota, FL 34239-6905. Attorney Mark C. Dungan at Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A. is located at 2033 Main Street, Suite 600 Sarasota, FL 34237. Attorney Steven R. Greenberg at Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A. is located at 2033 Main Street, Suite 600 Sarasota, FL 34237. Attorney Carmen R Gillett at Carmen R. Gillett, PLLC is located at 1845 Morrill St. Sarasota, FL 34236. Attorney Mark A. Haskins at Wicker Smith O'Hara McCoy & Ford P.A. is located at 1718 Main Street, Suite 100A Sarasota, FL 33236.
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