The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Celeste Cecilia White. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron J Allen at Allen Law Office is located at 224 St. Landry St., Ste. 3-F Lafayette, LA 70506-3578. Attorney Abby Leigh Roberts at Morris Bart, LLC is located at 400 E Kaliste Saloom Rd., Suite 1300 Lafayette, LA 70508. Attorney W. Alan Lilley at Goforth & Lilley is located at 109 Stewart Street Lafayette, LA 70501. Attorney Alan Whittington Stewart at Gibson Law Partners is located at 2448 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503. Attorney Alfred Smith Landry, Jr at Alfred Smith Landry Jr., Attorney at Law is located at 200 Lakewood Dr. Lafayette, LA 70503.
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