The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Christopher J. Hagan. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron G. Ezroj at Klein, DeNatale, Goldner, Cooper, Rosenlieb & Kimball, LLP is located at 4550 California Avenue, Second Floor Bakersfield, CA 93309. Attorney Afsanae A. Ramirez at The Law Offices of Young Wooldridge, LLP is located at 1800 30th Street, Fourth Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301. Attorney Alan James Peake at Wall, Wall & Peake A Professional Corporation is located at 1601 F St. Bakersfield, CA 93301-5018. Attorney Alyssa Nieto at Klein, DeNatale, Goldner, Cooper, Rosenlieb & Kimball, LLP is located at 4550 California Avenue, Second Floor Bakersfield, CA 93309. Attorney Andrew Heglund at Klein, DeNatale, Goldner, Cooper, Rosenlieb & Kimball, LLP is located at 4550 California Avenue, Second Floor Bakersfield, CA 93309.
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