The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Coleen Ann Mc McEvoy. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alexander H. Schwartz at Alexander H. Schwartz Attorney at Law is located at 3695 Post Road, Suite 203 P.O. Box 701 Southport, CT 06890. Attorney Anne Casey Levasseur at Lennon, Murphy & Phillips, LLC is located at Tide Mill Landing, 2425 Post Rd. Southport, CT 06890. Attorney Brian T. Silvestro at Brody Wilkinson PC is located at 2507 Post Road Southport, CT 06890. Attorney Charles S. Brody at Brody Wilkinson PC is located at 2507 Post Road Southport, CT 06890. Attorney Daniel Crispin Ford at Daniel C. Ford is located at 167 Old Post Rd. Southport, CT 06890.
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