The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Dale Myron Vandemark, Esq.. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney J. Alan Smith at Cory, Meredith, Witter, Anderson & Smith A Legal Professional Association is located at 101 N. Elizabeth Street, Suite 607 Lima, OH 45801. Attorney Angela M. Elliott at Baran, Piper, Tarkowsky & Fitzgerald Co., L.P.A. is located at 121 West High Street P.O. Box 568 Lima, OH 45802. Attorney Athena Joan Nyers at Athena J. Nyers is located at 119 N. West Street, Ste. 102 Lima, OH 45801. Attorney Bonnie Ellen Everett, Esq. at Bonnie E. Everett is located at 3233 Spencerville Rd. Lima, OH 45805. Attorney Carlene Sue Huston-Kinworthy, Esq. at Huston-Kinworthy Law Office is located at 211-215 N. Elizabeth St. Lima, OH 45801.
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