The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of David C. Burns. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Cynthia A. Wiens at Adrian & Pankratz, P.A. is located at Old Mill Plaza, 301 N. Main St., Suite 400 Newton, KS 67114. Attorney Donald R. Snapp at Donald R. Snapp Law Office is located at 900 N. Poplar St. Newton, KS 67114. Attorney Jay Sizemore at Sizemore, Burns & Gillmore, LLC is located at 121 E. Fifth Street Newton, KS 67114. Attorney Joseph N. Robb at Somers, Robb and Robb is located at 110 East Broadway Newton, KS 67114. Attorney Kevin W. Loeffler at Kevin W. Loeffler is located at Newton, KS 67114-1175.
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