The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of David Hall Abney II. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Silletto at Goldberg Simpson LLC is located at 700 Capital Ave Rm 118 Frankfort, KY 40601-3458. Attorney H. Bradley Smith at H. Bradley Smith, Attorney at Law is located at 100 Wapping St. Frankfort, KY 40601. Attorney Catherine Falconer at Hazelrigg & Cox, LLP is located at 415 West Main Street, First Floor P.O. Box 676 Frankfort, KY 40602. Attorney Charles Elic Jones at McNamara & Jones is located at 400 Leawood Dr. Frankfort, KY 40601-2110. Attorney Clayton B. Patrick at Hazelrigg & Cox, LLP is located at 415 West Main Street, First Floor P.O. Box 676 Frankfort, KY 40602.
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