Home > Massachusetts Lawyers > Burlington, MA Lawyers > Deawn Christine Takahashi at Tang & Maravelis, P.C.

Deawn Christine Takahashi, Associate Attorney
Estate Planning, Insurance Defense Litigation, Insurance Coverage Litigation, Subrogation, Employment Law, Corporate Law
Address: 50 Mall Rd., Ste. 111, Burlington, MA 01803
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Deawn Christine Takahashi. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney Andrew P. Sutton at Riemer & Braunstein LLP is located at 7 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803. Attorney Barbara Joyce Santiano at Barbara Joyce Santiano is located at 17 Alcine Ln. Burlington, MA 01803. Attorney Cheryl L. Garrity at Cheryl Garrity Attorney at Law is located at 111 S. Bedford St., Ste. 101 Burlington, MA 01803. Attorney Donald B. Bruck at Donald B. Bruck is located at 12 Garfield Cir. Burlington, MA 01803. Attorney Gary F. Romagna at Gary F. Romagna is located at 111 S. Bedford St., Ste. 107 Burlington, MA 01803-5145.

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