Home > California Lawyers > Oakland, CA Lawyers > Dennis M. Young at Foley & Mansfield PLLP

Dennis M. Young, Partner Attorney
Civil Litigation; Toxic Torts; Commercial Litigation; Commercial Law; Construction Law; Products Liability
Address: 300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1900, Oakland, CA 94612
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Dennis M. Young. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney David R. McDonald at Cresswell, Echeguren, Rodgers & Noble A Professional Corporation is located at 180 Grand Avenue, Suite 440 Oakland, CA 94612. Attorney Aaron F. MacLeitch at Haapala, Thompson & Abern LLP is located at Park Plaza Building, Suite 800 1939 Harrison Street Oakland, CA 94612. Attorney Abby Bilkiss O'Connor at Plageman Lund & Cannon LLP is located at 155 Grand Avenue, Suite 950 Oakland, CA 94612. Attorney Aggie Dolores Rose-Chavez at Aggie Dolores Rose-Chavez is located at 1440 Broadway, Ste. 612 Oakland, CA 94612. Attorney Ahan Kim Morris at Fitzgerald Abbott & Beardsley LLP is located at 1221 Broadway, 21st Fl. Oakland, CA 94612.

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