Frank Kelly Newman, Associate Attorney Business Law, Corporate Law, Oil and Gas Acquisitions, Mining Law, Personal Injury, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Real Estate, Esta... | Phone:(606) 546-3116 Address: 104 North Kentucky Avenue, Corbin, KY 40701 |
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Aaron Matthew Howard, Law Offices of Howard O. Mann, P.S.C. | Corbin, KY |
Bradley Charles Freeman, Freeman & Childers | Corbin, KY |
Brien Glenn Freeman, Freeman & Childers | Corbin, KY |
Darrell Lane Saunders, Darrell L. Saunders | Corbin, KY |
David Ora Smith, Smith & Smith | Corbin, KY |
David Springer Hoskins, David S. Hoskins | Corbin, KY |
Gary W. Brittain, Hammons and Brittain | Corbin, KY |
Graham Chambers Trimble, Trimble Law | Corbin, KY |
Howard Oliver Mann, Law Offices of Howard O. Mann, P.S.C. | Corbin, KY |
Jeffery Ray Tipton, Tipton and Tipton | Corbin, KY |
The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Frank Kelly Newman. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Matthew Howard at Law Offices of Howard O. Mann, P.S.C. is located at 104 North Kentucky Avenue Corbin, KY 40701. Attorney Brien Glenn Freeman at Freeman & Childers is located at P.O. Box 1546 Corbin, KY 40701. Attorney David Ora Smith at Smith & Smith is located at 208 Gordon Street Corbin, KY 40702-0699. Attorney Gary W. Brittain at Hammons and Brittain is located at P.O. Box 1388 Corbin, KY 40702. Attorney Howard Oliver Mann at Law Offices of Howard O. Mann, P.S.C. is located at 104 North Kentucky Avenue Corbin, KY 40701.
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