The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Glenn D. Price, Jr.. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Adrian F. LaPeyronnie, III at Greenberg and LaPeyronnie, LLC is located at 848 Second Street, Suite 200 Gretna, LA 70053. Attorney Anh Quang Cao at Law Office of Anh Quang Cao is located at 401 Westbank Expy., Suite 202 Gretna, LA 70053. Attorney Brad James Gegenheimer at Grant & Barrow A Professional Law Corporation is located at 238 Huey P. Long Ave. Gretna, LA 70053. Attorney Catherine J Soutullo at Catherine J. Soutullo is located at 225 Newton St. Gretna, LA 70054. Attorney Christy Michele Howley at Bowman & Howley is located at 629 Lafayette St. Gretna, LA 70053-6045.
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