The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Heidi Schultz Powers. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Billy Greene Hopkins at D. Bruce Orwin is located at 116 N. Main, Ste. A Somerset, KY 42502-0716. Attorney Brenda Popplewell at Brenda Popplewell Attorney at Law is located at 307 W. Mt. Vermon St. Somerset, KY 42501. Attorney Daniel G Yeast at Morgan, Collins & Yeast, PLLC is located at 870 South Highway 27 Somerset, KY 42501. Attorney Elizabeth Karen Broyles at Sword & Broyles is located at 303 West Columbia Street Somerset, KY 42502. Attorney Jane Adams Venters at Adams & Venters is located at 35 Public Sq. Somerset, KY 42502-0035.
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