The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Howard K. Levine. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alan Wein at Wein & Palermo, LLC is located at 678 Chase Pkwy. Waterbury, CT 06708. Attorney Amita S. Patel at Tinley, Renehan & Dost, LLP is located at 255 Bank Street, Suite 2A Waterbury, CT 06702. Attorney Andrew P Gaillard at Carmody Torrance Sandak Hennessey, LLP is located at 50 Leavenworth Street Waterbury, CT 06721-1110. Attorney Ann Harris Rubin at Carmody & Torrance LLP is located at 50 Leavenworth Street P.O. Box 1110 Waterbury, CT 06721. Attorney M. Anne Peters at Carmody & Torrance LLP is located at 50 Leavenworth Street P.O. Box 1110 Waterbury, CT 06721.
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