The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of James Philip Lemieux. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Leroy Patton at Aaron L. Patto is located at 4401 Atlantic Ave., Ste. 200 Long Beach, CA 90807. Attorney Adrian T Woodward at Law Office of Adrian T. Woodward is located at 4266 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 14 Long Beach, CA 90807-2802. Attorney Aimee B. Hartono at Adelson, Testan, Brundo Novell & Jimenez is located at One World Trade Center, Suite 1100 Long Beach, CA 90831. Attorney Akash Mulchandani at Adelson, Testan, Brundo Novell & Jimenez is located at One World Trade Center, Suite 1100 Long Beach, CA 90831. Attorney Alberto Raul Sonntag at Smith & Garg PC is located at 249 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 1010 Long Beach, CA 90802.
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