The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of James A. Yelton. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Bobby Taylor Vance at Vance Law Office Inc. is located at 123 Van Voris St. Batesville, MS 38606. Attorney Charles E. Baglan, Jr. at Charlie Baglan & Associates is located at 100 Public Sq. Batesville, MS 38606-2219. Attorney Colmon S Mitchell at Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott & Nowak, LLP is located at 695 Shamrock Dr. Batesville, MS 38606-2256. Attorney Helen B Kelly at Kelly Law Firm is located at 150 Public Sq. Batesville, MS 38606. Attorney Jay Westfaul at The Westfaul Law Firm is located at Governor Charles C. "Cliff" Finch Bldg., 115 Eureka St., Ste. A Batesville, MS 38606.
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