Home > New York Lawyers > Garden-City, NY Lawyers > Janet Ruth Faber at Sunshine & Feinstein, LLP

Janet Ruth Faber, Senior Associate Attorney
Annulment, Alimony, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Custody, Child Support, Childrens Rights, Civil Unions, Cohabitation Agreements, Divo...
Address: 666 Old Country Rd., Ste. 605, Garden City, NY 11530
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Janet Ruth Faber. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney Joel Drucker at Barrows Levy PLLC is located at 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 210 Garden City, NY 11530. Attorney Joseph F. Tremiti at Barrows Levy PLLC is located at 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 210 Garden City, NY 11530. Attorney Diana Szabo at Barrows Levy PLLC is located at 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 210 Garden City, NY 11530. Attorney Michael Colin Barrows at Barrows Levy PLLC is located at 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 210 Garden City, NY 11530. Attorney Charles Martin Arnold at Barrows Levy PLLC is located at 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 210 Garden City, NY 11530.

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