The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of John Sampson Brooking. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Brian Paul Halloran at Brooking and Halloran PLLC is located at 909 Wrights Summit Pkwy., Ste. 220 Fort Wright, KY 41011. Attorney Ethan Hill at Gerner & Kearns Co., L.P.A. is located at 809 Wright's Summit, Ste. 200 Fort Wright, KY 41011. Attorney Penny Unkraut Hendy at Schachter, Hendy & Johnson, PSC is located at 909 Wright's Summit Pkwy., Ste. 210 Fort Wright, KY 41011-2783. Attorney Richard Snyder at Brooking and Halloran PLLC is located at 909 Wrights Summit Pkwy., Ste. 220 Fort Wright, KY 41011. Attorney Ronald Edward Johnson, Jr. at Schachter, Hendy & Johnson, PSC is located at 909 Wright's Summit Pkwy., Ste. 210 Fort Wright, KY 41011-2783.
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