The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Jules Kievits. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Liskin at Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldisert LLP is located at 808 Wilshire Boulevard, 3rd Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401. Attorney Abel M. Lezcano at Del, Shaw, Moonves, Tanaka, Finkelstein & Lezcano A Law Corporation is located at 2120 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404. Attorney Agatha L. Balen at Greenberg Traurig, LLP is located at 2450 Colorado Avenue, Suite 400E Santa Monica, CA 90404. Attorney Alan R. Freedman at Law Offices of Alan R. Freedman is located at 501 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401-2414. Attorney Alan R. Kossoff at Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldisert LLP is located at 808 Wilshire Boulevard, 3rd Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401.
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