The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Kathleen Herkenhoff. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Philippa Shiona Grumbley at The Coopersmith Law Firm is located at 555 West Beech Street, Suite 230 San Diego, CA 92101. Attorney Richard Warren Weinthal at Richard W. Weinthal is located at 121 Broadway, Suite 655 San Diego, CA 92101. Attorney Mark Reel at Reel Fathers Rights APC is located at 1455 Frazee Rd, Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92108. Attorney Mary Louise O'Neill at Law Offices of Robert A. Stack is located at 4445 Eastgate Mall, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121. Attorney Robert James Winkler at Law Offices of Robert James Winkler is located at 2207 Garnet Ave., Ste. N San Diego, CA 92109.
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