Home > Massachusetts Lawyers > Hingham, MA Lawyers > Katie Lenihan at Otis & Associates, P.C.

Katie Lenihan, Associate Attorney
Alimony; Divorce; Domestic Relations; Equitable Distribution; Marital Property Distribution; Legal Separation Agreements; Marital Proper...
Address: 160 Old Derby Street, Suite 452, Hingham, MA 02043
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Katie Lenihan. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney Loretta Leone McCabe at Loretta Leone McCabe is located at 175 Derby St., Ste. 27 Hingham, MA 02043-4054. Attorney Virginia Ann Brophy at Brophy & Leonard, LLC is located at 99 Derby St., Ste. 200 Hingham, MA 02043. Attorney Richard Gerard Fillon at Richard Fillon is located at 188B South St. Hingham, MA 02043. Attorney Lisa Bianca Medeiros at Law Offices of Lisa B. Medeiros is located at 31 Harborview Dr. Hingham, MA 02043-2105. Attorney Nancy R. Van Tine at Burns & Levinson LLP is located at 175 Derby St., Ste. 6 Hingham, MA 02043.

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