The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Leah D. Sumrall. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Devin Todd Jones at E. Orum Young Law Offices is located at 220 Desiard Street Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Elijah Orum Young III at E. Orum Young Law Offices is located at 220 Desiard Street Monroe, LA 71201. Attorney Jay Nolen at Jay Nolen is located at 1038 N. 9th St. Monroe, LA 71201-5513. Attorney Mr. Charles L. Hamaker at Charles L. Hamaker is located at 1804 Park Ave. Monroe, LA 71207. Attorney Henry H Hobgood at Law Offices of H. Herbert Hobgood A Professional Law Corporation is located at 1805 Tower Dr. Monroe, LA 71201-4937.
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