Michael S. Holmes, Member Attorney Commercial Litigation, Civil Litigation, Commercial, Personal Injury, Employment Law, Debtor and Creditor, Real Estate Litigation | Phone:(248) 225-5106 Address: 306 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 215, Royal Oak, MI 48067 |
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Aaron Beresh, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Albert J. Dib, Dib, Fagan and Brault, P.C. | Royal Oak, MI |
Alex G. Cavanaugh, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Amber Nicole Atkins, The Probate Pro, PLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Ana M. Sarcheck, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Andrew J. Black, The Probate Pro, PLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Andrew M. Zack, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC | Royal Oak, MI |
Andrew B. Wachler, The Law Firm of Wachler & Associates, P.C. | Royal Oak, MI |
Angela J. Nicita, Granzotto & Nicita, P.C. | Royal Oak, MI |
Anthony J. Long, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC | Royal Oak, MI |
The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Michael S. Holmes. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Beresh at Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC is located at 450 West Fourth Street Royal Oak, MI 48067-2557. Attorney Alex G. Cavanaugh at Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC is located at 450 West Fourth Street Royal Oak, MI 48067. Attorney Ana M. Sarcheck at Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC is located at 450 West Fourth Street Royal Oak, MI 48067. Attorney Andrew M. Zack at Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC is located at 450 West Fourth Street Royal Oak, MI 48067. Attorney Angela J. Nicita at Granzotto & Nicita, P.C. is located at 414 W. 5th St. Royal Oak, MI 48067-2545.
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