The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Mr. Alfred C. Frawley III. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron P. Burns at Pearce & Dow, LLC is located at Two Monument Square, Suite 901 P.O. Box 108 Portland, ME 04102. Attorney Abigail C. Varga at Lambert Coffin is located at 14th Floor, 477 Congress Street P.O. Box 15215 Portland, ME 04112. Attorney Alan R. Atkins at Atkins LLC is located at 100 Commercial St., Ste. 307 Portland, ME 04101. Attorney Alan D. MacEwan at Verrill Dana LLP is located at One Portland Square P.O. Box 586 Portland, ME 04112. Attorney Alicia Cushing at Givertz, Scheffee & Lavoie, PA is located at 215 Commercial Street Portland, ME 04112-4801.
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