The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Mr. Harry Preston Hall II. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alan C. Livingston at Lee, Livingston, Lee & Nichols, P.C. is located at 238 West Main Street (36301) P.O. Box 1665 Dothan, AL 36302. Attorney Amy Mendheim Swindall at Shealy, Crum & Pike is located at 2346 W Main Street Dothan, AL 36301. Attorney Ashton Holmes Ott at Hardwick, Hause, Segrest & Walding is located at 212 North Lena Street P.O. Box 1469 Dothan, AL 36302. Attorney T. E. Buntin, Jr. at Buntin, Etheredge & Dowling, L.L.C. is located at 185 North Oates Street Dothan, AL 36302-1193. Attorney S. Chase Williams at Cobb, Boyd, White & Cobb is located at 112 Jamestown Boulevard Dothan, AL 36301.
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