The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Mr. James E. Patterson, Esq.. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alison King at Acadia Law Group, LLC is located at 6 Water Street Ellsworth, ME 04605. Attorney Calvin E. True at Eaton Peabody is located at 204 Main Street Ellsworth, ME 04605. Attorney Eric N. Columber at Roy, Beardsley, Williams & Granger, LLC is located at 5 School Street, Suites 105-106 Ellsworth, ME 04605. Attorney Joseph M. Connors at Jeffrey W. Jones, P.A. is located at 66 Main Street, Suite 301 P.O. Box 622 Ellsworth, ME 04605. Attorney Mr. Charles H. Helfrich, Esq. at Charles H. Helfrich Esq. Attorney and Couselor-At-Law is located at 3 Franklin St. Ellsworth, ME 04605-2010.
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