The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Mr. Nicholas S. Strater, Esq.. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Bradley Chalk at York Law LLC is located at 16A Woodbridge Road York, ME 03909-0545. Attorney James B. Bartlett at James B. Bartlett, P.A. is located at 28 Long Sands Road, Suite 3 York, ME 03909. Attorney Kathryn Bedell at Ballou & Bedell is located at 408 US Route One, Second Floor York, ME 03909. Attorney Mary Kathryn Brennan at Law Office of Smilie G. Rogers, PLLC is located at 279 York Street York, ME 03909. Attorney Meredith G. Schmid at Schmid Law Offices is located at P.O. Box 335 York, ME 03909.
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