The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Mrs. Kristy Waldron Dugan. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Abe L. Philips, Jr. at Burr & Forman LLP is located at RSA Tower, Suite 22200 11 North Water Street Mobile, AL 36602. Attorney Alan C. Christian at Johnstone, Adams, Bailey, Gordon & Harris, L.L.C. is located at One St. Louis Centre 1 St. Louis Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 1988 Mobile, AL 36633. Attorney W. Alexander Moseley at Hand Arendall LLC is located at RSA Tower, Suite 30200 11 North Water Street Mobile, AL 36602. Attorney Alicia J. Corley at Galloway, Wettermark, Everest, Rutens & Gaillard, LLP is located at 3263 Cottage Hill Road Mobile, AL 36616. Attorney Allen E. "Teeto" Graham at Phelps Dunbar LLP is located at 2 N. Royal Street Mobile, AL 36602.
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