The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Neil Anthony Waechter. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aladean M. DeRose at Aladean M. DeRose is located at 205 West Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 600A South Bend, IN 46601. Attorney Alexis Thomas Cholis at Alexis Thomas Cholis is located at 202 South Michigan St., Ste. 905 South Bend, IN 46601. Attorney Alison G. Fox at Faegre Baker Daniels is located at 202 S. Michigan Street, Suite 1400 South Bend, IN 46601. Attorney Andrea Elizabeth Halpin at Leone Halpin, LLP is located at 205 W. Jefferson Blvd., Ste. 605 South Bend, IN 46601-1814. Attorney Andrew B. Murphy at Faegre Baker Daniels is located at 202 S. Michigan Street, Suite 1400 South Bend, IN 46601.
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