The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Nicholas A. Gabriele. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron Elliot Futterman at Futterman, Lanza & Pasculli, LLP is located at 222 E. Main St., Ste. 314 Smithtown, NY 11787. Attorney Anthony Scheller at Scheller, Anthony A. is located at 94 W. Main St. Smithtown, NY 11787. Attorney Barbara Doukas at The Doukas Law Group, P.C. is located at 99 Smithtown Boulevard Smithtown, NY 11787. Attorney Barrie E. Bazarsky at Birzon, Strang & Associates is located at 222 East Main Street, Suite 212 Smithtown, NY 11787. Attorney Brian Andrew Trodden at Castro & Trodden, LLC is located at 29 Bellemeade Ave., Ste. 201 Smithtown, NY 11787.
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