The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Peter Bergem Hankla. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Carrie Lynn Francis at Francis Law Office is located at Minot, ND 58701-1667. Attorney Mary Patricia Burns at Olson & Burns, P.C. is located at 17 1st Ave. S.E. Minot, ND 58702-1180. Attorney Hon. Stacy Joan Louser at Louser & Zent, P.C. is located at Town & Country Ctr., 1015 S. Broadway., Ste. 15 Minot, ND 58701-4667. Attorney Brenda M. Zent at Louser & Zent, P.C. is located at Town & Country Ctr., 1015 S. Broadway., Ste. 15 Minot, ND 58701-4667. Attorney Christene Ann Reierson at Reierson Law Office, P.C. is located at 600 22nd Avenue NW Minot, ND 58703.
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