The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Rhonda Renee Weir. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Josephine Chinyere Nwaigwe at Josephine C. Nwaigwe, Esq. is located at 2135 Caton Ave., Rm. 5 Brooklyn, NY 11226-2507. Attorney Robert J. Renna at Law Offices of Robert J. Renna, P.C. is located at 26 Court St., Ste. 303 Brooklyn, NY 11242-1123. Attorney Shapse Jakob at Shapse Jakob is located at 570 E. 9th St. Brooklyn, NY 11218. Attorney John Dennis Famulari at John D. Famulari is located at 6741 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220-5253. Attorney Tracy Ann Peel at Tracy Ann Peel is located at 208 Prospect Pk. W., Ste. 2C Brooklyn, NY 11215.
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