The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Ricky W Duplissey. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Alex W. Rankin at Rankin, Yeldell, Katz & Lowery A Professional Law Corporation is located at 411 South Washington Street Bastrop, LA 71220. Attorney Charles E Herring, Jr at The Herring Law Firm is located at 343 N. Washington St. Bastrop, LA 71220-3849. Attorney James E. Yeldell at Rankin, Yeldell, Katz & Lowery A Professional Law Corporation is located at 411 South Washington Street Bastrop, LA 71220. Attorney Mr. John Taylor Bentley at White & Bentley is located at 115 North Franklin Street Bastrop, LA 71220. Attorney Phillip Murray Lester at Phillip M. Lester is located at 1302 Leavell Ave. Bastrop, LA 71220.
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