Home > Nevada Lawyers > Reno, NV Lawyers > Sharon M. Parker Jannuzzi at Woodburn and Wedge

Sharon M. Parker Jannuzzi, Shareholder Attorney
Religious and Charitable Organizations; Business Law; Civil Litigation; Wills; Probate; Guardianships; Will and Trust Contests; Trust Ad...
Address: 6100 Neil Road, Suite 500, Reno, NV 89511
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Sharon M. Parker Jannuzzi. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney Rebecca Jane Carlson at Carlson & Work is located at 1100 California Ave., Ste. 200 Reno, NV 89509. Attorney Jacquie Merritt at David Allen & Associates is located at Wells Fagro Building, 200 S. Virginia Street, 8th Floor Reno, NV 89501. Attorney Michael Anthony Kerr at Kerr IP Group, LLC is located at 1695 Meadow Wood Ln., Ste. 200 Reno, NV 89511. Attorney Leslie Bryan Hart at Fennemore Craig, P.C. is located at 300 East 2nd Street, 15th Fl. Reno, NV 89501. Attorney David M. Lewandowski at Fennemore Craig, P.C. is located at 300 East 2nd Street, 15th Fl. Reno, NV 89501.

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