The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Thomas J. Gezon. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Anne Buckleitner at Smietanka Buckleitner Steffes & Gezon is located at 4250 Chicago Drive S.W., Suite B Grandville, MI 49418. Attorney Donald W. (Pete) Garthe at Donald W. (Pete) Garthe is located at Prairie Professional Building, 3181 Prairie SW, Suite 110 Grandville, MI 49418-2076. Attorney John D. Dodson at Dodson Law Office is located at 3360 Wilson Ave., S.W. Grandville, MI 49418. Attorney Katie N. Steffes at Smietanka Buckleitner Steffes & Gezon is located at 4250 Chicago Drive S.W., Suite B Grandville, MI 49418. Attorney Peter Kladder III at Baxter & Kladder, P.L.C. is located at 2855 - 44th Street, S.W., Ste. 160 Grandville, MI 49418.
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