The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of Valerie K. Brooker. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Aaron M. Johnson at Mattox & Wilson, LLP is located at 117 East Spring Street, Suite 420 New Albany, IN 47150. Attorney Anne R. MacLean at Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP is located at 120 West Spring Street, Suite 300 New Albany, IN 47150. Attorney Barry Norman Bitzegaio at Lorch Naville Ward LLC is located at 506 State St. New Albany, IN 47172. Attorney Bart Colomb at Law Office of Bart Colomb is located at 400 Pearl Street, Suite 100 New Albany, IN 47150. Attorney Brandon W. Smith at Morgan & Morgan is located at 426 Bank Street Suite 300 New Albany, IN 47150.
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