William John Brennan, Partner Attorney Commercial, Appeals, Business & Commercial Litigation, Breach of Contract, Banking/Lender Liability Litigation, Business Torts, Fraud/RI... | Phone: Address: One Canalside, 125 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-2887 |
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Victoria Volk, Kloss Stenger & Gormley LLP | Buffalo, NY |
Mr. James E. Morris, Law Offices of James Morris | Buffalo, NY |
Kathleen Ellen Horohoe, Flaherty & Shea | Buffalo, NY |
Glenn James Bobeck, Phillips Lytle LLP | Buffalo, NY |
Holly Adams Beecher, Phillips Lytle LLP | Buffalo, NY |
Cindy Kaplan Bennes, Phillips Lytle LLP | Buffalo, NY |
Sharon Stern Gerstman, Magavern Magavern Grimm LLP | Buffalo, NY |
William D. Christ, Phillips Lytle LLP | Buffalo, NY |
Christopher M. Murphy, Doran & Murphy, PLLC | Buffalo, NY |
James Joseph Contino, Phillips Lytle LLP | Buffalo, NY |
The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of William John Brennan. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.
Attorney Victoria Volk at Kloss Stenger & Gormley LLP is located at 69 Delaware Ave., Ste. 1003 Buffalo, NY 14202. Attorney Kathleen Ellen Horohoe at Flaherty & Shea is located at 329 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, NY 14222-2220. Attorney Holly Adams Beecher at Phillips Lytle LLP is located at One Canalside, 125 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203-2887. Attorney Sharon Stern Gerstman at Magavern Magavern Grimm LLP is located at 1100 Rand Building 14 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203. Attorney Christopher M. Murphy at Doran & Murphy, PLLC is located at 1234 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14209.
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