Home > Idaho Lawyers > Burley, ID Lawyers > William Kent Fletcher at Fletcher Law Office

William Kent Fletcher, Member Attorney
Commercial, Estate Planning, Litigation, Water Law, Commercial Law, Real Estate Estates, Guardianship and Adoption
Phone:(208) 678-3250%2
Address: , Burley, ID 83318
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The above table lists lawyers near the attorney office of William Kent Fletcher. We suggest you contact more lawyers before making any decisions.

Attorney Alfred Emery Barrus at Alfred E. Barrus is located at 1918 Overland Ave. Burley, ID 83318. Attorney David F. Shirley at Parsons, Smith, Stone, Loveland & Shirley LLP is located at 137 W. 13th St. Burley, ID 83318. Attorney Douglas Ray Whipple at Whipple Law Office, Chrtd. is located at 2300 Overland Ave. Burley, ID 83318. Attorney Gregory C. May at May, Rammell & Wells is located at 1918 Overland Avenue Burley, ID 83318. Attorney Kelly Arthur Anthon at Kelly Arthur Anthon, Chtd. is located at 725 E. 300 S. Burley, ID 83318.

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